Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A few things about traditional bows

Most people today have no idea what a recurve bow is, but let me just give you a simple answer... it is what people before our time used to go hunting and war. The compound bow has been such a successful successor to the normal traditional bow that recurve bows and traditional bows have been only used by people like me who wish to keep the tradition of shooting the origanal, yet not as efficient, bow. The recurve bow has still been really popular in many Asian countries such as South Korea and Mongolia. In America, the compound bow has been the standard bow of choice while the recurve bow has been mostly used for recreational activity.

Personally, I enjoy going out daily (if I'm not busy) to go practice shooting my 62" takedown bow outside in my backyard. Unlike a normal gun, you can practice almost anywhere. I enjoy shooting and I hope to sometime go hunting with my recurve bow, but I will be sure and practice until I'm ready.